Thursday 9 January 2014

Happy new year and welcome to my very first challenge!

Well, here we are in week one of my 50th year and last year as I was thinking of how to mark my half century I decided to set myself some challenges!
Of course I foolishly thought that doing 50 things over 50 weeks was a novel and original idea (I know, how naïve was I??)
Anyway, it's a first for me so that's what is important. I wanted to do things that I'd never done before; some dramatic and slightly scary; some very altruistic (and mostly suggested by my generous daughter!); some a little costly and a lot very simple indeed! After all I do still have to hold down a job!
So, I kicked off the year by organising a new year/50th birthday celebration for 30+friends and family at a brilliant place in West Wales. That's actually a bit of a cheat because it was mostly to do with last year but hey!
This week is my first genuine number 1. Write a blog! For all you thoroughly modern and technically gifted people out there, no biggie (is that actually a word?), but for a Luddite like me it's a stretch I can tell you! I have a new mini tablet and a very long suffering teenage son who's my exasperated tutor! Apologies therefore if this blog is not going to win any awards but hopefully as we go through the year it will improve.
I intend to log all my 50 things on here but I need your help! At the moment I only have about 30 things, so I welcome your ideas.
OK, well that's the writing bit finished let's see if I can post it now!?

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