Thursday, 21 May 2015

Week 39- Host a fundraiser meal

The weeks have rolled into months and incredibly it is fast  approaching the end of May and therefore the first half of this 'new year'. Which means my 50th year was well and truly over ages ago and now I'm catching myself saying things like: 'wow, do you realise it's a whole 12 months since ......'
Fortunately it's not quite so long since John and I hosted a dinner party in order to raise money for Macmillan nurses. This idea had been on my to do list for over a year and even before my father in law was diagnosed with cancer. When we watched an advert on TV during the time of his illness, encouraging people to get their mates round for drinks and put a box out for donations to Macmillan's, we both knew in an instant that we should do it.
Our version was to host a 4 course meal and 6 very good friends, plus a friend's  friend were able to come. We had a brilliant evening; I think the food was palatable and certainly the company, conversation and camaraderie was outstanding. However, what made it even more special of course was the enormous generosity of our friends and the opportunity, therefore, to send a sizeable cheque off to the Macmillan nurses in Winsford, Cheshire.
I'm touched to think that by sharing friendship we support and encourage not only those we know well but their wider families and from there a wider community again. This happens repeatedly I realise all over the world, especially thanks to online giving etc, but when it's tangible and close to home- indeed, in your home, then it's personal and special and sort of heartwarming.
Friends, you know who  you are, thank you once again.

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