Thursday, 21 May 2015

Week 40 - Put a request in on a radio show

So, here's the challenge that I did back in January to mark the end of my 50th year. (It didn't turn out to be'the very last one')

Curiously, I found this among one of the more difficult things to do off the list. It's non-sensical really as it was merely a matter of writing an e-mail and sending it- perhaps it was connected to feeling vulnerable and being embarrassed or humiliated, (you know, like putting your hand up in class when no-one else is, and there's a horror that the room will go quiet as they listen to you and you utter the most ridiculous and wrong answer, and tumbleweed passes through the room !!.....No? ah, that's just my insecurities then??)

Anyway, once I'd determined to do it and researched how to, of course it was very simple. What wasn't simple was actually being successful and having the request aired! Being a novice at this, and just a teeny bit naive it only occurred to me on the Sunday morning, that obviously 'Steve Wright's Sunday Love Songs' would be waaaaay over-subscribed!

So, I guess I'll try again sometime, maybe a local radio station?
The good thing for me, though is that I didn't renege on the challenge and the people for whom I sent the dedication still got to hear the sentiments thanks to email.
The good news for you is that you do too!!..........

As the saying goes,'here's what you could have heard!??'

Hi Steve and the team,

This is an unusual request! But I would love you to dedicate a song to my wonderful family on 25th January, MY birthday, which marks the end of my '50 things in my 50th year'.
I have done various challenges which I've never done before and sending in this email is the very last one and I want it to be all about my family.
So to my fabulous husband, John and children Rachel, Alan, Megan, Luc and Nathan I want you all to know how special and loved you are and to thank you for being in my life and being 'amazing' people.
This is also the day the youngest member of our family, baby Erin, is being dedicated, so it seems fitting to wish her a life full of love too!

Thanks Steve, it'll be wonderful to hear this request on your programme,
With love
Karen Sadler in Colwyn Bay,North Wales

Week 39- Host a fundraiser meal

The weeks have rolled into months and incredibly it is fast  approaching the end of May and therefore the first half of this 'new year'. Which means my 50th year was well and truly over ages ago and now I'm catching myself saying things like: 'wow, do you realise it's a whole 12 months since ......'
Fortunately it's not quite so long since John and I hosted a dinner party in order to raise money for Macmillan nurses. This idea had been on my to do list for over a year and even before my father in law was diagnosed with cancer. When we watched an advert on TV during the time of his illness, encouraging people to get their mates round for drinks and put a box out for donations to Macmillan's, we both knew in an instant that we should do it.
Our version was to host a 4 course meal and 6 very good friends, plus a friend's  friend were able to come. We had a brilliant evening; I think the food was palatable and certainly the company, conversation and camaraderie was outstanding. However, what made it even more special of course was the enormous generosity of our friends and the opportunity, therefore, to send a sizeable cheque off to the Macmillan nurses in Winsford, Cheshire.
I'm touched to think that by sharing friendship we support and encourage not only those we know well but their wider families and from there a wider community again. This happens repeatedly I realise all over the world, especially thanks to online giving etc, but when it's tangible and close to home- indeed, in your home, then it's personal and special and sort of heartwarming.
Friends, you know who  you are, thank you once again.