Saturday, 13 December 2014

Week 31- Llandudno tram

 Incredible as it seems after having lived in this area for 23 years I had never been on the Llandudno tram on the Great Orme. It was therefore put on my list at the beginning of the year.
I am very lucky to have a very good friend who is a regular traveller on and great fan of the tram. She also has a brilliant young son who is equally enthusiastic and knowledgeable about this popular means of transport. They kindly volunteered to take me on my maiden journey!
They advised me on the best weather condition, the best time and the best route. The tourists of course simply turn up at the tram station at the bottom of the Orme and have to wait their turn to climb aboard. We drove to the summit and came down on the second tram of the day and then ascended again.
My friend, Caroline and her son were on first name terms with the tram staff and they also had a season ticket which meant I got to ride for free, - so ideal!
Needless to say it was a fantastic morning and once again lovely views were enjoyed. However, I think I appreciated the by product of this experience just as much! What do I mean by that?Well, it was so lovely going out with Caroline and Levi and joining in their world for a few hours. It has been such a long time since my children were little and I had forgotten that people will so often strike up a conversation when you have a child with you. Also, children's wide-eyed enthusiasm and zest for life is contagious.
It was great to appreciate those simple things in life: riding on a tram, spotting numbers on cable cars and witnessing Levi's first descent down the long slide! Well done Levi and thank you both for a lovely morning.

1 comment:

  1. "people will so often strike up a conversation when you have a child with you"

    When mine were babies I used to do the Saturday shop with them on my own (my wife worked at the time). I had heaps of Supermarket Friends because I was a lone dad with small kids. When my wife did shop with me she was astounded by the number of people we'd have to stop and chat to :)
