Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Week 33 - Not a christmas card christmas card!

Well this is a bit of a funny one I know! Most of the 50 things have been about new experiences and challenges and this seems to fly in the face of that ideal.
However, after remembering the amount of money spent on stamps last year I decided that I could use that cash more wisely this Christmas. It's not that I'm against card giving, and I love to send news at this time of year, stay in touch with friends and communicate best wishes for the festive season. 
The truth is though, that these days there is more than one way to skin a cat; in other words, there are other ways to do this.

So, here it is! This is my Christmas card/newsletter to you. What's so great for you is that you have access now to a whole year's worth of news, photos and witty banter!!?If you've been following my blog all year you'll already know what I've been up to (if you haven't,.... read all the entries and then you'll be up to speed! Make sure you go back to week 1 which explains everything.)

The main family news in 2014 is that we lost John's dad, Keith, in June, after an eight months illness with pancreatic cancer. It was obviously a difficult and sad time and yet John was able to spend a day every week with his parents which was precious and a privilege. His mum is remarkable and is coping amazingly.
The summer in fact was full of mixed emotions for the wider family as we celebrated one niece's wedding and another's first baby, both of these events coming only a few weeks after the funeral.
As for our children; Rachel and Alan continue to thrive in Loughborough with their puppy, Griff. Rachel is in her second year of maths teaching and Alan has just started a Phd. Alan has also written a book about his incredible £1 challenge (
Megan has now lived in Bath for over a year and is thoroughly enjoying her work as an OT, volunteering in her church and working among young people and homeless people in her area.She lives in a fabulous house  which she shares with 2 other young women and she says it's definitely not a student pad and she feels very 'adult' now!
Luc, incredibly is in his final year at Loughborough and juggling his degree, church and student team work, creating wonderful meals with his housemates and generally living life to the full. He has established himself as arguably the best centre back in La Liga (Loughboroughs indoor football league). Follow @HIMYMata on Twitter.
Nathan is now in his GCSE year,over 6ft tall, still playing rugby and tennis and extremely pleased to have just had his brace removed which he reckons makes him now the most handsome guy in his year!!! It's great that we still have him at home with us but he definitely misses the others and he's very patient and tolerant of his not so young parents!
John and I both work 4 days in teaching and have Fridays off. We have had a sabbatical from Church leadership this year and have spent  time supporting our parents, taking up 'spinning' classes, visiting our children, still tandemming and of course completing '50' challenges. Next year it's John's 50th birthday so we'll see what exciting things he gets up to..

Now for the photos:

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with those you love and all the best for 2015
Lots of love, Karen, John, Rachel,Alan,Megan,Luc and Nathan xx
(not forgetting Harvey and Griff)

Monday, 15 December 2014

Week 32 - Make a new recipe

This really is a bit lame I feel because there's nothing very unique about trying a new recipe!
However, this was a recipe I'd been avoiding for a while as I thought it was extremely difficult to get right. I tend to bake something new and then it becomes the one thing that I produce on every occasion. Actually I don't think I'm unusual in that?
It has to be said that until I've become something of an emptying nester I didn't really bake very much at all; in fact it was just the 5 annual birthday cakes and the obligatory mince pies at Christmas! Now John is often referring to me as a domestic goddess or Mary Berry (not true, but very sweet!) He does also maintain that I only bake when the kids are coming home or we're entertaining visitors. (This is also not true, but I can't seem to convince him!) 
I began to wonder about this transformation and came to the conclusion that it was about creativity. When you're busy child rearing all your nurturing and creative energy is used up in them (actually, scrub that and make it, 'all your energy is up. Period.') When you're no longer pouring yourself out in that way, you need another outlet. Of course, people like my mother in law always managed to do both, but this is my experience so I'm sticking to it - and good luck to you genuine 'domestic goddesses'!!
At the risk of contradicting everything I said in the previous paragraph, it cannot be denied that of course time is another overwhelming factor. I simply have more free time now. Additionally, I have been quite inspired by programmes like 'the bake off' and the recent trend towards home-produced goods.
Anyway, back to what I actually made for the first time this autumn. Millionaire shortbread according to Mary Berry. It was a brilliant recipe which if you follow exactly you get results just like hers. I was pretty impressed and rather pleased with myself. 
And can I just say, they were enjoyed by just Nathan, John and myself..... not a single visitor in sight!

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Week 31- Llandudno tram

 Incredible as it seems after having lived in this area for 23 years I had never been on the Llandudno tram on the Great Orme. It was therefore put on my list at the beginning of the year.
I am very lucky to have a very good friend who is a regular traveller on and great fan of the tram. She also has a brilliant young son who is equally enthusiastic and knowledgeable about this popular means of transport. They kindly volunteered to take me on my maiden journey!
They advised me on the best weather condition, the best time and the best route. The tourists of course simply turn up at the tram station at the bottom of the Orme and have to wait their turn to climb aboard. We drove to the summit and came down on the second tram of the day and then ascended again.
My friend, Caroline and her son were on first name terms with the tram staff and they also had a season ticket which meant I got to ride for free, - so ideal!
Needless to say it was a fantastic morning and once again lovely views were enjoyed. However, I think I appreciated the by product of this experience just as much! What do I mean by that?Well, it was so lovely going out with Caroline and Levi and joining in their world for a few hours. It has been such a long time since my children were little and I had forgotten that people will so often strike up a conversation when you have a child with you. Also, children's wide-eyed enthusiasm and zest for life is contagious.
It was great to appreciate those simple things in life: riding on a tram, spotting numbers on cable cars and witnessing Levi's first descent down the long slide! Well done Levi and thank you both for a lovely morning.